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Total Recall VR Audio Player
Total Recall VR Audio Player
Our Price: $50.00

Product Code: TRVR-PLYA

Description Downloads

Total Recall VR Audio Player is a powerful audio player application designed to support play of, and conversion between, all Total Recall VR audio file and encoding formats.

Total Recall VR Audio Player offers:

  • Player for all Total Recall VR file and audio formats.

  • File and audio converter that supports all Total Recall VR file and audio formats.

  • Export to standard audio file formats (wav, mp3, aifc, au and spx) that are compatible with popular audio player applications such as Windows Media Player.

  • Integrated e-mail client for fast sharing of recordings in any supported file and audio format.

  • Integrity check for recordings stored in the trc file format.

  • Visual waveform.

  • Recording metadata display for recordings stored in trc files.

Total Recall VR Audio Player is a Java/Windows based application designed to run on a PC with Windows 7, 8 or 10. If you wish to play recordings in the AMBE format, then you need to purchase an AMBE decoder license.

Total Recall VR Audio Player

Please note that Activation Keys are node-locked and are not transferrable, that is each Activation Key activates the application on one and only one PC.